



A nice weekend with brother and sister and the kids in a wooden castle at wooded and wonderful campsite 'de Roos'.  I enjoyed the company and scenery. It's great strolling through these woods and slightly hilly area. Even the toilet visits for the wide wide open window - the latter not only due to my inbalanced stomach and intestines - were enjoyable: a woodpecker at the base of the nearest tree only 2 m away...


the key


In life there are two basic motives from which you can act: Fear and Love. Most people in western society act upon fear. Often we are brought up in fear and were told never to stick out your head above the parapet - or you should never sing too loud or the neighbours will hear (so what?) is just a small example of Fear.
You can choose the other way.
To remind me day in day out that Love is the key I like (and need) to keep mine very close...

Tuck & Patti and Lee Ritenour


mantra clipping

I spent hours and hours of clipping these dots.... a meditative project, sitting quietly at my desk in front of the garden window.
The first breed of great tits (koolmezen) in my garden have unwittingly left the nest...



The exhibition of my work has been prol_____onged at the shop of Sarah Zoutewelle-Morris untill the start of the Summer vacation!
The litlle craft shop is open on Fridays and Saturdays from 13.00 till 16.30 h.
Baron van Asbeckweg 7, Warfhuizen
If you pay a visit - look here for the location- you'll probably end up in a inspiring conversation with Sarah and have a nice cup of attention tea from Annet's teapot.
You can read more here (Spoonful) and here (Art calling) about the shop and Sarah's inspiring (and reassuring and soothing for me) ideas on art and actions of the heart!



Guggenheim museum, Bilbao (Spain)
in the Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao (Spain)
I had a GREAT time ....
My sister and I made magnificent hikes in the mountains of Picos de Europa and we met lovely people, like Carlos in Santillana and Graça (in Northern Portugal) and her family and friends. She invited me to celebrate my birthday - a homecooked dinner and chocolate cake dessert - at her amazingly bubblegum pink painted house!

...but some things were a bit awkward for I missed my kids tremendously (especially during the first 1,5 week) and our lovely vintage mini van broke down the 4th day. So the rest of our journey we drove (aprox. 3000 km in total) in a luxurious white (yeach!) rental car and we had to stay in hotels and pensions instead of campingsites.

Now... I landed, but I cannot seem to find my niche...

faces in Comillas, Spain
Santillana del Mar, Spain

Cucayo in the Picos de Europa, Spain

Fuente De in the Picos de Europa, Spain
picknick at Pico Jano, Picos de Europa
Pico Jano in Picos de Europa

National Parc Peneda-Geres, Portugal

Graça and 15 year old son Sebastian, lunch together

 Graça's place called Casa do Castello